martes, 12 de abril de 2016

Essential ingredients for a happy day - Deepak Chopra

Time Schedules

Millions of people rush through their mornings, cramming as many tasks as they can in the shortest period of time. But this is the opposite of what a morning should be, which is the launch of a day where you feel happy, relaxed, and in control. 
If that's not your norm, rethink how you use your time in the morning. A good medium is to allow one and a half hours between waking up and going to work. In this time, you can fit in meditation, some stretching, a brief stroll outside, and other activities to settle your mind and feel centered. 

You might also sit and spend a few moments visualizing the rest of your day, seeing everything falling into place and working out well. Whatever puts pressure on you should be minimized, including catching up on work, emails, and texting. The morning is about renewal. If you make this your theme, you will find that hectic mornings are no longer necessary or desirable. 

Experts on happiness point out that a happy life is made up of happy days, not postponing happiness until the future. So being awake, relaxed, optimistic, and in control—all essential ingredients for a happy day—is something you owe yourself. 
Sit down with yourself, consult with your family, and see if you can find ways to make sure every morning comes closer to this ideal. 

La mañana es renovación. Una vida feliz está hecha de días felices, no en dejar para otro día la felicidad.
 Estar despierto, relajado, optimista y con control son ingredientes de un día feliz, algo que te debes a tí mismo. 
Actividades como los estiramientos, un corto paseo, una meditación o cualquier otra actividad que te calme y te haga sentir centrado son posibles si organizas tu horario para que dispongas de hora y media entre el momento en que despiertas y cuando sales a tus obligaciones y tareas laborales o familiares. 
Consulta contigo mismo y con tu familia y mira a ver si encuentras manera de que cada mañana se acerque un poco a este ideal. 

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