A Diet for Your Senses
- The sense of sight: Start by keeping the TV off whenever possible. Don’t read news stories with violent images or content. Reduce the number of ads you view in a day. Buy yourself flowers and place them in a space you are in often. Remove clutter and things that no longer serve you.
- The sense of hearing: Eliminate music with harsh, hateful, or violent lyrics. Turn off radio stories that are disturbing. If a family member or friends start to talk with negativity, tell him or her that you choose to talk about a more positive topic or quickly find a solution instead of ruminating on the problem. If you hear about a tragedy or someone in need, opt to say a prayer for the person or situation or send money to a cause that could remedy the problem.
- The sense of touch: Take time to pet your pet. Hug your family members and friends often. Allow the sun to penetrate your skin. Walk barefoot in the grass, sand, or a body of water.
- The sense of taste: Eliminate all unnatural or artificial foods from your diet. Opt for fresh fruit, vegetables, and whole grains. Eat some meals in silence and close your eyes while you taste your food to get the full sensation.
- The sense of smell: Burn aromatherapy candles or incense that makes you feel relaxed. Find a smell from childhood that brings back good memories and include that into your environment.
Finally, like other limbs in the Yoga Sutras, pratyahara is about discipline toward a more fulfilling life. By withdrawing the senses in your daily living, your meditations will be more peaceful. You won’t be afraid to access the silence within you and you will feel safe.
Michelle Fondin
Vedic educator
Michelle Fondin
Vedic educator
Una dieta para los sentidos inspirada en las ideas del doctor Andrew Weil.
El sentido de la vista: limitar el uso de la televisión, las ideas con imágenes o contenidos violentos, los anuncios. Comprar flores frescas y colocarlas en un lugar en el que pases bastante tiempo. Tirar los trastos que ya no sirven.
El sentido del oido: mo escuchar las canciones con letras violentas o que inciten al odio o programas que te resulten inquietantes o negativos. Cuando oigas hablar sobre alguna tragedia opta por una oración si eres creyente o por enviar ayuda para tratar de paliar el problema.
El tacto: abraza a menudo a tu familia, tus amigos, tu mascota. Deja que el sol acaricie tu piel, camina descalzo en la arena, la hierba, el agua…
El gusto: elimina de tu dieta los alimentos "artificiales" y opta por la fruta fresca y vegetales. Come con calma y a veces en silencio tratando de saborear la comida.
El sentido del olfato: busca un olor que te traiga buenos recuerdos y trata de incluirlo en tu ambiente.
Esta limitación de los sentidos en a vida diaria hará que tu entrada al silencio interior sea más pacífica y segura.
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