lunes, 27 de julio de 2015

Benefits of Gardening - Dr Weil

5 Benefits of Gardening
Gardening is a great way to connect with the earth, reduce stress, increase creativity and promote relaxation. Plus you can grow your own fruits, vegetables and herbs! Get your hands dirty, because gardening is:
Checklist1. Therapeutic: There is even an emerging medical art known as horticultural therapy. Schoolchildren, prison inmates and people with all types of health conditions are encouraged to learn about new plants and envision creative ways to arrange them in the ground as a way to provide a sense of accomplishment and improve self-image.
Checklist2. Spiritual: Aside from delighting your senses with color, texture and scents, gardening enables you to connect with nature. Digging your hands through the soil and handling delicate plants can feed the soul.
Checklist3. Exercise: Gardening is a low-impact activity that improves flexibility through bending and stretching, and has been shown to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. However, don't let it replace your walking regimen or other regular aerobic exercise - do both, for maximum benefits.
Checklist4. Nourishing: There's no better way to ensure that the fruits and veggies you eat are fresh and organic than to grow them yourself.
Checklist5. Economical: Some expensive fruits, such as raspberries, are easy to grow, but difficult to pick and ship. So grow your own and save.
Talk with your local garden center about starting with simple plants such as tomatoes, bell peppers, peas and fresh herbs!

sábado, 25 de julio de 2015

Out of balance? Enjoy Sobriety - Disfruta de la sobriedad

Enjoy Sobriety

Sobriedad es una palabra que no promete mucho, suena a esfuerzo, a pérdida... Rick Hanson propone como nuevo enfoque el cuidar las necesidades más profundas para no tener que necesitar tantas distracciones y adicciones.
 Unas pautas de autocuidado y equilibrio pueden ayudar a cambiar nuestra relación con la comida, el alcohol, las compras, el dinero, el trabajo, las conductas de riesgo...

viernes, 24 de julio de 2015

miércoles, 22 de julio de 2015

Can You Recognize Fear? - ¿Reconoces el miedo?

Can You Recognize Fear

Tu crítico interior es irracional ,  mezquino  y cargado de excusas y justificaiones cada vez que intentas hacer algo nuevo y distinto. ¿
Sabes escucharlo y luego hacer lo que te parece oportuno?
¿eres capaz de dejarle un lugar junto a tí pero no dejarle que tome las decisiones por tí?

martes, 21 de julio de 2015

Master the Basics Before Going Deep - Primero, lo primero

Practice Simplicity

Try grasping a simple concept for one day. For example, eat all of your meals without distraction and in silence. Have your eating be a sensual experience. Taste, smell, touch, and feel your food. Make each meal a mini-meditation. You may find that this concept—as simple as it is—difficult for you.
Or how about mastering the concept of non-judgment? Spend one day judging nothing or no one, including yourself. Try to stay neutral and rooted in the present moment. Drawing inferences for the future is still judging. Making assumptions is judging. It’s a simple concept, yet difficult to apply, even for a day.
You can do this with anything and start today. Pick one simple concept and apply it for a day. Then tomorrow, choose something else.  Pretty soon you’ll realize that the road to mastery is not far away.
- See more at:

Master the Basics Before Going Deep

lunes, 20 de julio de 2015

That is Opera - Parsifal y la búsqueda interior

Un acercamiento a Parsifal, la última ópera de Wagner a través de un viaje a Montsegur, en la ruta de los cátaros, a Valencia y su catedral y a Montserrat.
La búsqueda del Grial como símbolo de otras búsquedas internas, como viaje... Un programa para curiosos y viajeros.


                                                           Montsegur, vista aérea

sábado, 18 de julio de 2015

The best body-mind practice MD Anderson

Feeling stressed, depressed or sleep-deprived? Help may be as near as your own mind and body. Just follow a few meditation techniques for beginners.
By using mental focus, controlled breathing and body movements, our experts say you can relieve these common problems and boost your health.
Chronic stress weakens the immune system and makes it harder for your body to stay healthy, says Lorenzo Cohen, Ph.D., professor in Palliative, Rehabilitation and Integrative Medicine and director of the Integrative Medicine Program at MD Anderson.
meditation technique for beginners, mind-body connection, stress
Stress also makes you more likely to give up healthy eating and exercise habits that help prevent cancer and other diseases.
Research shows that mind-body practices can have a positive effect on almost every system in our body, improve quality of life, reverse harmful effects of stress and change the way our brains function,” Cohen says.
Relax your mind and body
“There are thousands of different types of mind-body practices to choose from,” says Alejandro Chaoul, Ph.D., assistant professor in Palliative, Rehabilitation and Integrative Medicine and director of education, Integrative Medicine Program, who is an expert in meditation. These practices include meditationyogaQiqong andTai chi.
Most of these activities include relaxation, and focus on breath and gentle movements. Anyone at any level can performed them. And be done alone or in a group.
meditation technique for beginners, mind-body connection, stress
One way to lower stress - and potentially improve your health - is through a simple breathing meditation.
Try this exercise:
  • Sit in a comfortable position, on a chair or cushion, with your eyes open or closed.
  • Focus on breathing a little more deeply than usual, not just into your upper body, but deeper into your abdomen
  • Focus on breathing a little more deeply than usual, not just into your upper body, but deeper into your abdomen
  • Breathe in a comfortable way. Let the mind guide the breath into your body.
  • Become aware of your breath, focusing as your breathe in and out.
  • If  you get distracted by a sound or thought, gently bring your attention back to your breath.
  • Try this once a day for three to five minutes. Each day you can add a little more time until you can do the breathing exercise for 20 minutes.
  • “As you learn about being mindful of your breath, you can bring that into your everyday activities,” Chaoul says.
    Do something daily
    “We need to constantly work to try to manage the challenges that surround us,” Cohen says.
    Both Cohen and Chaoul agree that one way to do that is to find a mind-body practice that works best for you and make it part of your daily routine.
    “Find something that works and stick with it,” Cohen says. “The best mind-body practice is one that you dedicate time to each day.”

viernes, 17 de julio de 2015

Murder, Memoir, Mea culpa - A true story

Basada en hechos reales. Un hombre que acaba de asesinar a toda su familia  adopta la identidad de Michael  Finkel,  un periodista del New York Times que ha sido desacreditado públicamente por falta de ética profesional.

 Intrigado, este último acude a la prisión donde intenta que el presunto asesino le cuente la "verdadera historia". 
La relación que se establece entre ellos está llena de ambigüedades, fascinación y manipulación mutua.

 El periodista consigue su libro aunque no vuelve nunca a publicar para el New York Times, cosa que sí consigue el acusado (que es condenado a muerte y recibe mucha atención mediática y hasta como él mismo dice irónicamente "propuestas de matrimonio"). 

Esa innegable fascinación morbosa por nuestro lado oscuro llega a extremos realmente chocantes.

miércoles, 8 de julio de 2015

Realistic goals and optimal experiences. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi  in his classic book,    Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience  : “The optimal state of inner experience is one in which there is order in consciousness. This happens when psychic energy—or attention—is invested in realistic goals, and when skills match the opportunities for action. The pursuit of a goal brings order in awareness because a person must concentrate attention on the task at hand and momentarily forget everything else. These periods of struggling to overcome challenges are what people find to be the most enjoyable of their lives. A person who has achieved control over psychic energy and has invested it in consciously chosen goals cannot help but grow into a more complex being. By stretching skills, by reaching toward higher challenges, such a person becomes an increasingly extraordinary individual.

Fluir: la psicología de la experiencia óptima. (M. Csikszentmihalyi) : el estado óptimo de experiencia interna es aquel en el cual hay orden en la conciencia. Esto sucede cuando la energía psiquica (o atención) se canaliza hacia objetivos realistas y cuando las habilidades son adecuadas a las oportunidades de acción. Perseguir un objetivo trae orden en la conciencia porque una persona debe concentrar la atención en la tarea que tiene entre manos y por el momento se olvida de todo lo demás. Estos periodos de lucha para vencer retos son los que las personas encontramos que son los más interesantes de nuestras vidas. Una persona que ha conseguido el control sobre la energía psíquica y lo ha invertido en objetivos elegidos conscientemente no puede evitar el convertirse al alguien más complejo. Al mejorar sus capacidades intentando retos más altos esa persona se convierte poco a poco en un individuo extraordinario. 

domingo, 5 de julio de 2015

Alfabeto del crimen de Sue Grafton - W as Wasted

Sue Grafton cuando habla de su proceso creativo asocia su serie negra alfabética, protagonizada por la detective Kinsey Millhoney, a otro alfabeto anterior, también irónico y bastante macabro.

El de Edward Gorey , titulado en castellano "Los pequeñines macabros".
Las ilustraciones de Gorey fueron muy polémicas en su momento y quizá esa fascinación mezclada con horror que producen sea obra de la Sombra que para Grafton es quien realmente inspira sus libros.

Quizá estos últimos libros de Grafton no tengan la fuerza de los primeros de la serie pero se agradece esa revisión de la vida en Santa Teresa, una pequeña ciudad californiana en los años 80, donde un investigador privado no podía recurrir a Google o a un teléfono móvil. Mucho antes que ella, Chandler también utilizó esta ciudad para representar a Santa Bárbara, donde pasa Grafton parte del año, caminando con sus amigas por esa playa que todos sus lectores hemos soñado recorrer algún día.

Y este es el título que podremos leer dentro de unas semanas, en Agosto de 2015

sábado, 4 de julio de 2015

Chopra Center : balancing Vata, cooling Pitta and energizing Kapha - sugerencias para el equilibrio y el bienestar

According to Ayurveda, spending time in nature helps heal our body and mind.  The ancient Ayurvedic medical texts provide a long list of outdoor sensory experiences that promote well-being and balance the doshas. Here are a few suggestions:

The Earth Beneath Your Feet: Balancing Vata.

If you are feeling ungrounded and your mind is racing (clear signs of excessive Vata air and wind), seek out the stability of earth. Try walking barefoot on the earth or grass for a few minutes every day. Put your attention on your feet and have the intention to absorb nourishment from the earth.

To balance the cold nature of Vata, spend a little time in the sun, allowing its light and warmth to permeate you. Reflect on the energy-giving force of the sun, the source of all life on earth. The Sufi mystic Hafiz writes, 

“Even after all this time
The Sun never says to the earth,
‘You owe me.’
Look what happens with a love like that.
It lights up the whole sky.”

Connect with the Water Element: Cooling Pitta

When you have excess Pitta dosha and feel overheated and irritable, walking slowly along a natural body of water is deeply healing. Allow the water’s cooling influence to calm and soothe you.

If you don’t live near the ocean or a lake, take a walk where there is lush vegetation or simply lie down in the grass in your backyard or a park. The color of greens plants, blue sky, and rich earth are wonderfully pacifying for Pitta types.  

Experience Light, Space, and Air: Energizing Kapha

If you have excessive Kapha and feel dull and lethargic, seek out the invigorating elements of space and air. Our most intimate experience with air is the breath, which connects us with our individual self with our extended body – the environment.

Take a brisk walk or a run in a beautiful park or somewhere in nature. Inhale the life force of the plants with your full attention, imagining the air entering your lungs, flowing to your heart, and fueling the millions of life processes taking place every second without your conscious attention.

The most direct way to experience space is to focus on the sky, allowing the vastness of the heavens to expand your mind. At night, go outside and gaze at the stars, feeling the unboundedness of the universe. You are an individualized expression of this infinite field . . . one wave in the vast, unending ocean of all possibilities.

Whether you enjoy hiking in the mountains or strolling in a garden, spend some time each day tuning in to nature, creating the space for pure joy to rise to the surface of your experience.

La luz, el aire, el espacio, el agua y la tierra son para el Ayurveda los elementos que nos ayudan a encontrar el equilibrio.
Un paseo en las montañas, junto a un curso de agua, en un parque o jardín, observar el cielo tanto de día como de noche son propuestas para conectar con la naturaleza.

viernes, 3 de julio de 2015

The six pillars of self-esteem by Nathaniel Branden

The Six Pillars of Self-EsteemThe Definitive Work on Self-Esteem by the Leading Pioneer in the FieldNathaniel Branden

The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem

““Apart from disturbance whose roots are biological, I cannot think of a single psychological problem—from anxiety and depression, to underachievement at school or at work, to fear of intimacy, happiness, or success, to alcohol or drug abuse, to spouse battering or child molestation, to co-dependency and sexual disorders, to passivity and chronic aimlessness, to suicide and crimes of violence—that is not traceable, at least in part, to the problem of deficient self-esteem. Of all the judgments we pass in life, none is as important as the one we pass on ourselves.“Nathaniel Branden

jueves, 2 de julio de 2015