martes, 17 de enero de 2012

Entrevista con Claudio Naranjo. El eneagrama y las pasiones

"Ocúpate del reino del corazón, y lo demás te llegará"

The Enneagram system

The Enneagram is a personality typing system that consists of nine different types. Everyone is considered to be one single type, although one can have traits belonging to other ones. While it's uncertain whether this type is genetically determined, many believe it is already in place at birth.

The nine types (or "enneatypes", "ennea" means "nine") are universally identified by the numbers 1 to 9. These numbers have a standard way of being placed around the Enneagram symbol. Enneagram authors have attached their own individual names to these numbers. On this site the type names by authors Riso and Hudson are used. They are:
1. The Reformer
2. The Helper
3. The Achiever
4. The Individualist
5. The Investigator
6. The Loyalist
7. The Enthusiast
8. The Challenger
9. The Peacemaker

People of a particular type have several characteristics in common, but they can be quite different nevertheless. It depends among other things on their level of mental health. Unhealthy (neurotic) people from a particular type can look quite different from healthy ones. Riso and Hudson distinguish 9 levels of mental health (see their book Personality Types) and have type descriptions for each level of each enneagram type.

Usually one has characteristics of one of the types that lie adjacent to one's own that are more prominent. This is called the wing. So someone who is a type 5, might have a 4 wing or a 6 wing. This may be abbreviated to "5w4" and "5w6". If one doesn't have a dominant wing, it is said that the wings are balanced.
De "www.eclectic"

Me gustaba más lo que decía Spinoza sobre las pasiones tristes y las alegres.

2 comentarios:

Isabel Barceló Chico dijo...

No había oído hablar del eneagrama, así que no tengo ni idea de si es seria esa "clasificación" o no. Me da a mí la impresión de que las personas somos mucho más complejas que todo eso. O, al menos, me gusta pensarlo. Saludos cordiales.

alestedemadrid dijo...

Yo tampoco creo que sea una clasificación "seria", ni me atraen demasiado las clasificaciones en general aunque puedan ser útiles a veces para entendernos.
A mí también me pareció un poco simplista la clasificación la primera vez que lo vi pero tiene elementos curiosos. Un saludo, Isabel