The Art of Taking ActionLessons from Japanese Psychology

Greg Krech is one of the world’s leading teachers of Japanese psychology. This book integrates three core facets of the work he has done for the last 25+ years: Morita Therapy + kaizen + Naikan. Big Ideas we explore include understanding what is within our control and what is not (hint: thoughts and feelings are not; behaviors are), how to create momentum in your life and the importance of constant incremental improvement.
Small steps are an elegant approach to indecision. That’s because each of those small steps sends ripples out into the world. Your situation is never the same from day to day, because the world is in a dynamic state of flux. Once you take a small step you get new information and now you can consider the situation from a different perspective.”
“It’s not just about doing more and procrastinating less. It’s about your dreams,your passion, the risks you need to take and the opportunity to forget yourselfand simply disappear into the moment as it unfolds. It’s about less talk and moreaction. It’s about less blaming and more appreciation. It’s about less mindlessnessand more presence. ...
You just need to figure out how to work with your life — with your circumstances,your feelings, your family members, your challenges, your dreams and yourdisappointments. You have to figure out what you need to do, when you need to doit, and how to do it to your best ability. There’s nobody whipping you from behind.Your life is in front of you, waiting . . . for your next move.“Gregg Krech
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