sábado, 29 de agosto de 2015

Say yes - Rick Hanson Dí que sí

Say yes.
When our son was doing theater in high school, I learned about an exercise for improvisational acting ("improv"): no matter what another actor says or does to you, you are always supposed to figuratively (and sometimes literally) say yes to it. In other words, if someone on stage turns to you and says, "Doctor, why does my baby have two heads?" you should respond with something like, "Because two heads are better than one."

Real life is like improv: the script's always changing, and saying yes keeps you in the flow, pulls for creativity, and makes it more fun. Try saying no out loud or in your mind. How's that feel? Then say yes. Which one feels better, opens your heart more, and draws you more into the world?

Saying yes to some part of life - to a condition or situation, to a relationship, to your history or personality, or to something happening inside your own mind - does not necessarily mean that you like it. You can say yes to pain, to sorrow, to the things that aren't going well for you or others.

Your yes means that you accept the facts as they are, that you are not resisting them emotionally even if you are trying with all your might to change them. This will usually bring some peace - and will help any actions you take be more effective.
Say yes to something you like. Then yes to something neutral. Both of these are probably easy.

Then say yes to something you don't like. Can you do that, too? As you do this, try to feel a sense that you are okay, fundamentally, even though what you dislike exists. Also try to feel some acceptance in your yes, some surrender to the facts as they are, whether you like them or not.

Try saying yes to more things that are not your preference. You're not saying yes that you approve of them, but - for example - yes it's raining at my picnic, yes people are poor and hungry across the planet, yes my career has stalled, yes I miscarried, yes my dear friend has cancer. Yes that's the way it is. Yes to being in traffic. Yes to the job you have. Yes to the body you have.

Yes to the twists and turns in your life so far: large and small; good, bad, and indifferent; past, present, and future. Yes to the younger sibling whose birth toppled you from your throne. Yes to your parents' work and your family circumstances. Yes to your choices after leaving home. Yes to what you had for breakfast. Yes to moving someplace new. Yes to the person you are sleeping with - or yes to not sleeping with anyone. Yes to having children - or to not having them.

Say yes to what arises in the mind. Yes to feelings, sensations, thoughts, images, memories, desires. Yes even to things that need to be restrained - such as an angry impulse to hit something, undeserved self-criticism, or an addiction.

Say yes to all the parts of the people in your life. Yes to the love in your parents and also yes to the parts that bothered you. Yes to a friend's flakiness amidst her good humor and patience, yes to another friend's sincerity amidst her irritability and criticalness. Yes to every bit of a child, a relative, a distant acquaintance, an adversary.

And yes to different parts of yourself - whatever they are. Not picking and choosing right now, but saying yes - YES - to whatever is inside you.

Play with different tones of yes (out loud or in your mind) related to different things - including the ones you don't like - and see how this feels. Try a cautious yes, as well as a yes that is confident, soft, rueful, or enthusiastic.

Feel your yes in your body. To adapt a method from Thich Nhat Hanh: Breathing in, feel something positive; breathing out, say yes. Breathe in energy, breathe out yes. Breathe in calm, breathe out yes.

Say yes to your needs. Yes to the need for more time to yourself, more exercise, more love, fewer sweets, and less anger. Try saying no to these needs in your mind or out loud, and see how that feels. And then say yes to them again.

Say yes to actions. To this kiss this lovemaking this reaching for the salt this brushing of teeth this last goodbye to someone you love.

Notice your nos. And then see what happens if you say yes to some of the things you've previously said no to.

Say yes to being alive. Yes to life. Yes to your own life. Yes to each year, each day. Yes to each minute.

Imagine that life is whispering yes. Yes to all beings, and yes to you. Everything you've said yes to is saying yes to you. Even the things you've said no to are saying yes to you!

Each breath, each heartbeat, each surge across a synapse: each one says yes. Yes, all yes, all saying yes.


Decir que sí a la vida, a todas las partes de tu vida, de tí, de la gente que quieres, tus circunstancias. 
 No sólo a lo que te gusta, a lo que no te inquieta, también a lo que no es tu preferencia.
A tus necesidades, las que reconoces, las que no...

sábado, 22 de agosto de 2015

Empezar de nuevo a los 70 - Grace and Frankie

Dos mujeres, después de cuarenta años de matrimonio,  reciben de sus respectivos maridos la noticia de que están enamorados desde hace tiempo y que quieren casarse.

Jane Fonda y Lily Tomlin (que en la vida real tienen más de los 70 años de sus personajes) intentan adaptarse a la nueva situación, pasando por todas las fases del duelo: la incredulidad, la negación, la rabia...

La serie en un tono de comedia aborda muchos temas que no suelen aparecer en las pantallas , entre ellos la vida de hombres y mujeres de más de cincuenta años, como reaccionan las personas cercanas después de que alguien "salga del armario", los temas económicos antes del divorcio...

viernes, 21 de agosto de 2015

¿Limitamos a las niñas?

Los limites que imponemos (conscientemente o no)  a niños y niñas desde el principio nos encierran dentro de estereotipos de lo que debe o no ser una chica o un chico.
No hagas .... porque eres una chica es una experiencia habitual para las niñas y limita sus posibilidades de elegir actitudes y conductas y de explorar el mundo.

Rethinking depresssion by Eric Maisel Repensando la depresión

“The existential program I’ve described is my vision. It is my subjective response to what I see as the demands posed on individuals by the facts of existence. You may see life in a very different way and not share my vision. If, however, you experience the thing called “depression” and feel like exploring an existential approach to climbing out of that hole, give my program a try. The word depression is a corruption of language, and the more society uses it, the further it will push us all toward unhappiness. Pathologizing unhappiness creates unhappiness. Reject the very idea of depression and make meaning instead.“Eric Maisel

viernes, 14 de agosto de 2015

It is all about that bass by Meghan Trainor

La polémica está servida, al menos en Estados Unidos.
El legítimo orgullo por las propias curvas y la defensa de que "tu tamaño está bien" ha levantado ampollas entre los defensores de la "vida sana" que se sienten ofendidos por comentarios guasones de esta divertida (y muy bailable) canción. Gordas contra flacas...siempre tiene que haber gente sin sentido del humor.

Because you know I'm all about that bass,
'Bout that bass, no treble
I'm all 'bout that bass, 'bout that bass, no treble
I'm all 'bout that bass, 'bout that bass, no treble
I'm all 'bout that bass, 'bout that bass
Yeah it's pretty clear, I ain't no size two
But I can shake it, shake it like I'm supposed to do
'Cause I got that boom boom that all the boys chase
All the right junk in all the right places
I see the magazines working that Photoshop
We know that shit ain't real
Come on now, make it stop
If you got beauty beauty just raise 'em up
'Cause every inch of you is perfect
From the bottom to the top
Yeah, my momma she told me don't worry about your size
She says, boys they like a little more booty to hold at night
You know I won't be no stick-figure, silicone Barbie doll,
So, if that's what's you're into
Then go ahead and move along
Because you know I'm all about that bass,
'Bout that bass, no treble
I'm all 'bout that bass, 'bout that bass, no treble
I'm all 'bout that bass, 'bout that bass, no treble
I'm all 'bout that bass, 'bout that bass
I'm bringing booty back
Go ahead and tell them skinny bitches Hey
No, I'm just playing I know you think you're fat,
But I'm here to tell you that,
Every inch of you is perfect from the bottom to the top
Yeah, my momma she told me don't worry about your size
She says, boys they like a little more booty to hold at night
You know I won't be no stick-figure, silicone Barbie doll,
So, if that's what's you're into
Then go ahead and move along
Because you know I'm all about that bass,
'Bout that bass, no treble
I'm all 'bout that bass, 'bout that bass, no treble
I'm all 'bout that bass, 'bout that bass, no treble
I'm all 'bout that bass, 'bout that bass
Because you know I'm all about that bass,
'Bout that bass, no treble
I'm all 'bout that bass, 'bout that bass, no treble
I'm all 'bout that bass, 'bout that bass, no treble
I'm all 'bout that bass, 'bout that bass
Because you know I'm all about that bass,
'Bout that bass, no treble
I'm all 'bout that bass, 'bout that bass, no treble
I'm all 'bout that bass, 'bout that bass, no treble
I'm all 'bout that bass, 'bout that bass

Read more: Meghan Trainor - All About That Bass Lyrics | MetroLyrics 

sábado, 1 de agosto de 2015

Do what is best for you - Haz lo mejor para tí

Como la sociedad juzga a las mujeres que tienen hijos, hagan lo que hagan.
"Te van a criticar hagas lo que hagas así que haz lo que creas que es mejor"  dice la atareada madre que ha creado esta versión en signos en su baño de espuma, descansando de las tareas de la maternidad por un rato.